Category Archives: nude photos

Nude Hike: Nantahala National Forest

On Tuesday of this week i went on my first Naturist hike with a group. Nantahala National Forest was where we decided to do a 10 mile hike and we started around 11 A.M.. I thought it would be a piece of cake for me but in less then a mile i was so winded and tired that I had to stop. NO ONE TOLD ME WE’D BE HIKING UP A FREAKING MOUNTAIN!!! Suffice to say, i elected to turn back so the others could continue their hike in peace and at the pace they had set.  I was truly embarrassed but i knew that i couldn’t keep up with the others who were all seasoned hikers.

After about 20 minutes of rest my pride and determination got to me and i decided to continue on my own at my pace. I surprisingly made it 2 more miles before i had to turn back. I could have gone on much further but i knew that if i didn’t turn back at that point i might miss meeting up with the group when they came back down from the mountain. So i turned back, deciding that I would take pictures on the way.

The pictures truly don’t do justice to the area.  It is very beautiful and peaceful.  My trip down the mountain was quite enjoyable as the wind blew and i could feel the cool wind on my skin.  I was nude going up the mountain and going all the way back down to the river where we first started and it felt great.

I actually squatted in the river for a few minutes to clean my rear end off because after sitting on the trail times my butt crack had leaves and dirt all over it.  I was not going to put back on my shorts without a quick wash up.  As soon as i had finished putting on my shorts I heard someone behind, a family of four out to take pictures on the trail.  I was glad i had my clothes back on at this point.  Even though there is no federal statue or ordinance about being nude on Federal land, we had decided to be respectful and try to remain clothed near the entrance to the trail so as not to upset any families.

After I rested for a few minutes i decided to walk some more to keep myself entertained so i decided to follow the trail to a scenic waterfall called Laurel Falls.  I figured the family i had seen earlier had went that way so i decided to stay clothed.

Laurel Falls was a beautiful scene, even though i had to walk a mile to get to it.  I also caught up with the family i had seen earlier and talked with them for a bit.  After a few pictures we all walked back to the entrance to the trail and they left.

After the walk to the falls i was exhausted, hot, and kinda miserable so i sat down near the road and rested for almost a hour before once more i decided to do something with what i felt would be the last hour before the group returned and we left.  So i decided to check out the camp site i had heard one of the guys mention.  As you can see from the pictures above it was a nice, kind of isolated spot so I sat down and disrobed and spent the last hour naked before the guys returned.

When everyone came back we decided to drink a beer and check out the river a bit.  The beer tasted pretty good and we ended up laughing, joking and taking pictures of the river and each other.

After the fun and games we returned to the hotel, showered, and went to eat at a Mexican restaurant.  After that we sat around the hotel room naked and shot the shit for a few hours.  With one of the guys taking a few pictures of me sitting smiling.  He used my camera of course.

So around 12 A.M. we all went to our rooms and crashed for the night, saying our good byes that night because i knew i was going home in the morning.  I went with two of the guys to Hardee’s for breakfast the next morning and then I headed home.




Nude Seniors Collection.

Okay…in the spirit of my last post i will start the Nude Seniors picture post idea that i had some time ago.


You know the hardest thing about getting old is realizing that you are getting old.  Just recently one of my young co-workers offered to lift a heavy box because he was worried that i might hurt my back “at my age” he stated.  Yeah that kinda stung, but I’m literally old enough to be his father since i am 39 and he is 19.  So yeah I guess to a 19 yr old, I am getting old.

But just because we get old, doesn’t mean we can’t be nude and that we have to stop living.  Just my 10 cents for this post.

YES, this is my female body. NO I am not ashamed

Previous this week my photos from the album I had created on Facebook and called:

“Celebration of the beautiful – natural, naked – woman body”
got reported to Facebook security.

The next time I tried to lock into my account I could not.

Instead I was a given a warning from Facebook.

“Remove any violating photos” It said.

Either you delete all photos containing any nudity, or we will delete your Facebook account.

Not surprisingly.

I knew it was a matter of time before my photos would be reported.
(Photos to be found at the end of this blog post)

I know Facebooks guidelines concerning nudity. I know many artists whom in the past have been trying to share their work (photos, videos etc) of the naked human body with their network on Facebook – but with same result as my attempt had.

A couple of years ago the Danish writer Peter Øvig…

View original post 2,312 more words

more than pics campaign

Formerly clothes free life visit our new home

It’s no secret that the editors of this site are dismayed by the incredible amount of “naturist” blogs and social media accounts that simply reblog retweet and repost images of naked people and classify themselves as such. There is a small but growing group of people who are calling for something more -more than just pics. That is the genesis of this campaign and the accompanying hashtag. #morethanpics

Why bother? Why not just leave people alone and let them do their thing?

Well that is exactly what we are doing instead of calling for people to change what they are doing, we are saying do what you want, but we want to offer another option. That option brings two benefits. It helps raise the caliber of material being put out under the naturist, nudist or clothes free label to a higher level. Secondly we will benefit blogger who adopt…

View original post 806 more words

world naked gardening day participant were exhibtionists and sex workers

Formerly clothes free life visit our new home

Exhibitionists bare all for daring nude photoshoots celebrating World Naked Gardening Day

Brave horticulturalists across the country are shedding their clothes to mark the festival, which takes place on the first Saturday of May and is celebrated by gardeners and non-gardeners alike.

Many have posed for cheeky photoshoots to mark the occasion, their modesty covered by a series of strategically-placed gardening tools and shubbery.

Among them was Essex sex worker and model Pippa-Lily, 27, who posed in nothing but a pair of trainers for an early morning shoot in her back garden.

read more -Source:The Express

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Another project. Maybe.

I’ve been thinking of starting a new project were every now and then i post a collection of naturists that are not beautiful, fit, and young.  I was thinking of calling it: Nude: the old, the ugly, and the not so Perfect.  My main reason for doing so is to promote positive body image.  Also now that i realize that I’m fat and getting old maybe I need to appreciate what i ma now more then ever.  Please give me some feed back, comments and suggestions.


I am getting quite annoyed with the newest fad among the washed up Hollywood set.  And that fad is posting not really nude, nude pics.  They are claiming they support being body positive.  Well that’s all well and good when you have a body like Holly Berry or some other Hollywood star.

But you and I know what the truth is.  The pictures and support are just a way to see if they are still relevant.  Lets just face it.  We’ll never see these stars on a nude beach or supporting Naturism or even revealing they are Naturists.  I can’t really blame them though.  With the paparazzi and plenty of stalking pervs out there every Nude resort in California would be overrun even if one star admitted to going to nude resorts.  And the negative connotations about Nudism don’t help either.

Just once i would like to see a celebrity actually truly support Naturism or any thing for that matter.  Because i truly believe that their support for most of these movements and fads are false.

Nude in the Woods.

So on Friday i finally decided to do it.  I went to the wooded area that I have been walking for the past few days and got nude!

I was very nervous at first, mainly because the usual small crowd of guys were there and they were making jokes about me taking pictures with my camera.  But as i left them and walked a for a good bit, my nervousness faded as i realized they wouldn’t walk as far as i was going to.  So i soon found my spot and i disrobed.

I had brought the camera with me to photograph my first time in the nude outdoors.  Until this moment i had only been nude outside in the back yard in the middle of the night, or to dump trash in the garbage can at the end of my driveway in the front yard.  Never before have i been nude in such a public area.

The sun felt great on my skin and so did the slight breeze that blew in the woods.  Although i was nude only for a few minutes per shot it was a gratifying experience none the less.

I truly wanted to be completely nude and walk around, but i had a camera, a tripod, and a mp3 player to carry so i knew i wouldn’t be able to walk around totally nude and carry all of those things in a area i was totally new to so i stayed clothed as i would move through the trail.  I would only disrobe for the pictures.

I had to keep on my shoes for this last set of photos due to prickly gumballs and other hazards, but i enjoyed myself none the less.  The sun and the freedom felt great, but i was still kinda nervous at times.  After i took all the pictures i wanted i decided to head back mainly because i wanted to come back the next day.

I guess I will go back tomorrow and I’ll disrobe and walk the trail itself in the nude for a while.  No camera or much else when i go this time.  But I’ll have to figure out how to carry my keys, mp3 player, and cell phone with me.  Heck!  Come to think of it, how will i carry my clothes once i take them off?  Okay this may present a challenge of grand proportions after all.  Either way though i am going to get nude and outdoors as often as possible now.  I enjoyed just the few minutes too much and now i may be hooked.

Stolen Innocence.

Well today i was checking around a few places that i follow and i saw a picture so i clicked on a link.  Which lead me to another link, and to another link which lead me to a quasi porn site on Tumblr.

Now i used to blame the porn industry for this, but now i realize i may need to apologize to said industry.  This isn’t the porn industry that is doing this.  Its normal every day people who are taking the pictures we post on Tumblr or WordPress, or where ever and putting them on their softcore porn blogs.  Sometimes with credit links, sometimes without.  Then said picture gets linked or reblogged to at least 50 plus Tumblr sites in a matter of hours or days.

Now the picture was from Naturist Fab’s tumblr page, and after i did some investigation at least 20 other sites had reblogged his innocent picture.  The tumblr site that originally stole the picture is called “The Naturist Guys”.  The site is splattered with pictures from numerous naturist sites and tumblrs as well as obvious pictures of gay male porn.  So its become obvious now that Tumblr is a major threat to our privacy as nudists.  I just want to advise everyone to be careful and i may add more to this post, but i am pressed for time because as i write this i need to leave for work.  But one last thing.

On a much more personal note I will say that i am not trying to shame NF in any form or fashion.  I almost posted the link to The Naturist Guys tumblr page and the picture they stole.  But i felt that my friend NF had been abused enough so i decided not to do so.  To be honest i rarely visit blog because i can get everything through my WP reader.  And i had no idea he had a tumblr page until this morning.  Sorry NF.  I hope i haven’t caused you any trouble.  I just wanted to make you and others aware of the threats we face via the growing stupidity of pervs and morons on the internet.